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Als consument zijn we stilaan het contact met de productie van ons voedsel kwijtgeraakt. Dit leidt tot angst voor onze gezondheid en zorgen over het welzijn van de planeet.
Vandaag zien we dat wetenschap en ook oude technieken een belangrijke rol spelen in onze samenleving.
Dit zet zich voort in nieuwe trends zoals klimaatbewust eten, reducetarisch eten, clean-label, ....
Eten is een verhaal, een ervaring, een levensstijl geworden.
Wil je je geest opfleuren?

New ways of grocery shopping Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, e-commerce saw a significant boom, and shoppers increasingly used online grocery shopping with at-home delivery as a way of getting their products home in a safe manner.In collaboration with Board of Innovation, Colruyt’s Collect&Go developed a no-walk-in grocery shopping experience for city dwellers.

New aged meat! Plant-based meat substitutes have been around for a while, with the products getting increasingly closer to ‘the real deal’ and more food producers tapping into the growing market. The next big thing may be slaughter-free meat – particularly cell-based meat, with companies like New Age Meats building on the idea that everyone should have access to real meat without having to compromise their personal economy, health, religion, or values.

New super food ingrediënts! CBD has slowly been getting more attention as an ingredient in the last few years. Today, it’s being actively used in products consumed on a daily basis. Hummus? Pesto? Why not. Themptation looks to promote the health benefits of hemp and showcase its flexibility in the food industry by introducing them as base ingredients of our day-to-day foods.

Robots getting busy! Well, particularly one. Heineken came up with B.O.T, a short name for what they presented as a beer outdoor transporter. AI technology development spreads increasingly to different aspects of our life. Including how we consume. This little beer Wall-E is an example of the many ways in which robots will change the way food and drinks are made, and served.